Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Basics I: Why Cancer?

I don't want to linger too much on this topic, but it was the first question asked of me so I'll give it a go.

Cancer. AIDS. Kidney disease. Heart Disease. Stroke. ALS. Alzheimer's. Parkinson's. MS. MD. Diabetes. Cystic fibrosis. Schizophrenia. Cerebral palsy. CJD. Lupus. Hospitals. Meals on wheels. Homelessness. Global poverty. Disaster relief. Food bank. Domestic violence. Street kids. Alcoholism. Drug abuse...It goes on. With so much to suffer from how can I choose just one cause to commit to?

The decision was pretty selfish. I simply know too many people that have endured the disease or had to support a loved one and I am tired of doing nothing. All of the causes listed above and many more are worthy causes to invest time and funds, but I'll leave that up to you. I'm one guy and can only do so much.

That's it. There was no formula; I've been affected by those around me and made a choice. Chances are there are many around you that were afflicted by cancer as well. There are incredible breakthroughs every week but the funding needs to continue for the fight to persist. It's about time we get it done.

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